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作品名稱:BIOSIGNAL-PNEUMA 作品尺寸:400cm x 400 cm x 300 cm 作品媒材:植栽、玻璃、金屬、電算器、電子零件 副標:訊號的議會場 副標(長):生物訊號正在進行決議,在每個生物體內或者交織的生物網路之中發生。 展品介紹:   混合生物裝置〈Pneuma〉作為新生態系統中「能」的象徵,嘗試藉由體內訊號的交流使自己面向陽光,並且將能量轉譯之後傳達到周圍的空間中,如同植物在自然界中的作為。   位於裝置中心的樹木上的每一片葉子作為一個光感知單體,數片葉片則為光感知群落,將樹冠依照方向分區,當光照射到樹木的部分枝葉,在植物感光的過程中所產生電訊號得以收集後進行演算,於是作品得以知曉光由哪個方位而來。植物經由光合作用將光能轉換而成的生物能,僅有少部分提供自身存活使用,大部分至土壤之中,其中的微生物將充分利用這些有機物並且產生游離電子,以電極收集即為生物電能;作者仿照這樣的過程,將大樹所製造的電能蓄電,自中心樹朝四周延伸出多套水盤組件,依照其感知所得的光線方向以水波形式放出能量作出回應,同時也影響著周邊的其他生物存活。 Title: BIOSIGNAL – PNEUMA Dimensions: 400cm x 400 cm x 300 cm Media: plant, glass, metal, computer program, electronic devices Subtitle: The Parliament of Signals Subtitle (full): Within each organism or network interlaced by organisms, bio-signals are presently passing resolutions. Introduction: Symbolizing ‘energy’ in the new ecosystem, the hybridized bio-installation Pneuma seeks to keep itself facing the sunlight through its internal signal exchange system, and channeling the converted energy into its immediate surroundings, just like what plants do in the natural world. In this installation, each leaf is a light-sensing unit which clusters around the tree at the center. The canopy is divided into different zones according to direction. When light illuminates part of the leaves, the electronic signals of photosynthesis are collected and calculated, from which the direction of the light source can be identified. Plants more or less live on a tiny part of the bio-energy they convert from light through photosynthesis. Most of the energy is transmitted into the soil, where micro-organisms can make full use of these organic substances to produce ionized electrons, which can be converted into bio-electric energy if collected with electrodes. Y2K collects and stores the electric energy generated by the tree and connects multiple water-collecting trays. The tree will respond to the light source by releasing energy in the form of water wave, affecting the dynamism of its ambient ecology.