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〈費蘭茲協奏曲〉 Fei Lanzi Concerto

張英彬 Chang, Ying-Pin

2009,油畫,120x94x4.5cm 張英彬喜歡古典音樂,在創作時也經常聆聽。作品〈費蘭茲協奏曲〉以墨綠色為主調,又輔以各種其他綠色調的豐富變化,遠觀看似和諧,近看時豐富層疊的視覺效果呈現奔放的律動效果,如同古典音樂除了基本的節奏和音高,還包含不同聲部間的協調和力度變化。張英彬畫筆下的色彩富有生命力,如同為觀者譜出美妙的視覺協奏曲。 A classical music lover, Chang Ying-Pin often listens to music when making art. His Fei Lanzi Concerto is a rich composite of a dominant dark green and various shades of green. At a distance, it looks like a harmonious whole before a closer look reveals layers of paint that give a rich visual impact and a robust rhythm. The painting is not unlike a piece of classical music, where—on top of the basic pulses and pitches—one finds coordination and intensity variations among parts. Under the painter's brush, the vibrant colors seem to compose a beautiful visual concerto for the viewers.