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獨白演練所 Monologue Rehearsal Room


生活在繁忙的都市裡,外漂族在適應環境變化的過程中可能感到壓抑、孤獨,儘管與人的互動頻繁,實際上的連結卻很薄弱,長期下來大環境的冷漠使得累積的心理壓力逐漸增加,甚至影響自身回應外在環境的行為,如同罹患了都市冷漠的慢性病。 獨白演練所為忙碌的生活提供一個緩衝空間,引導使用者開啟自我對話,在「表達」與「接收」訊息的轉譯中逐漸了解自身的想法及感受,並透過使用者持續的嘗試、練習,期望從個人開始建立起適應環境變化的能力,成為擴展到社會的正向力量。 Living in a city, the migrant may feel depressed and lonely while adapting to environmental changes. Despite frequent interactions with people, the actual connection is weak. If the situation continues, the indifference caused by the environment will increase their stress and even affect the way they interact with the environment, just as suffering from a chronic disease of urban indifference. The Monologue Rehearsal Room provides a buffer space for busy life and guides users to start a positive self-talk to stay with themselves. Users can understand their thoughts and feelings in the translation of "express" and "receive” messages. In the long term, we expect to boost users' confidence and resilience and make this become a positive force that extends to society.