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共享車站 Sharing Bus terminal


共享車站 _ 人口外流、城市主題性,對於閒置空間的再利用 Sharing Bus terminal _ Population outflow, urban theme, reuse of idle space 作者名稱 Author l 莊若漩 RUO-SYUAN,JHUANG 指導教授 Advisor l 梁銘剛 MING-GANG, LIANG 基地位置 Site l 南投縣竹山鎮員林客運竹山站以及部分基地周圍 台灣城市之間的主題性越來越不明顯,從北到南的城市特色內容重複性高,或者是打造異國風成為城市新賣點,雖然可能提高了城市的經濟,帶來人流,卻失去了當地的應有的特色...... 而在一個人口老化的時代,許多鄉下的年輕人漸漸往都市找工作,使鎮上的活力漸漸消失...... 活力是靠人創造的,如何找回"人"? 居民的集體記憶該如何保留應用? 如何給予青年創業場所? 如何保留在地的特色? The theme between Taiwan's cities is becoming less and less obvious, from north to south of the city characteristics of high repeatability, or to create an exotic wind to become a new selling point of the city, although it may improve the city's economy, bring people flow, but lost the local characteristics ... In an age of aging population, many young people in the countryside gradually go to the city to find work, so that the vitality of the town gradually disappeared ... Vitality is created by people, how to find people? How do residents' memories retain the app? How to give young entrepreneurs a place to start a business? How do I preserve the features of the site?