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瀑水意 - Waterfalls In Beauty

曾筠恩, 陳思宜, 朱曼華 - Yun-En, Tseng, Ssu-Yi, Chen, Man-Hua, Chu

平常去瀑布走訪的你/妳,是否真的有留意過瀑布周遭的生態中,蘊藏極其豐富的物種呢? 結合北臺灣前十大的瀑布,透過流動感的水流線條設計,展現瀑布孕育生命的水脈相泉,經由在其中尋找水流中18種隱藏的 動物,帶給大家瀑布宏觀的視野與趣味的感受。 - You who usually visit waterfalls, have you really paid attention to the extremely rich species in the ecology around the waterfalls? Combined with the top ten waterfalls in northern Taiwan, through the design of flowing water flow lines, it shows the water veins and springs that breed life in waterfalls. Animals bring you a macro view of the waterfall and an interesting feeling.