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圓緣 - Perfect Fate


此作品為兩張單椅,扶手的地方參考太極的弧線,使兩張單椅在擺放時可產生連續的感覺,有著互相牽手、扶持的感覺。 在配色上採取太極的顏色,運用太極獨有的陰中帶陽,陽中帶陰的外型把它解讀成不管是再好的人一定也會有缺點,再壞的人也有教化的可能性。每個人都有值得我們學習的地方,好的方面,我們努力去學習。不好的方面,我們就引以為戒。 - The armrests of these two chairs refers to the arc of Tai Chi.When the two chairs placed together,we can see the illusion of continuance which has the sense of supporting and holding hands. We use the color of Tai Chi which has a unique appearance— yin with yang and yang with yin.They can be understood that people won’t be extremely good or bad. We can learn something from each single person,and when we see a man of virtue and talent, we should think of equalling them; when we see a man of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves.