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Yeourong Leo Lin 林酉融

作品〈浮生若夢〉理念源於唐朝詩人李白《春夜宴從弟桃花園序》,墨藍色調的畫作中以留白勾勒與堆染出薄紗與人物結合之心靈圖像,想像是浮生也是夢的意象,創作嘗試以描繪人們日常生活心境柔軟的狀態,在近年受全球疫情壟罩下,訴說著生命有常與無常,期許人的生命如溫柔富有力量的意蘊,書寫出渴望生命日常美好情景。 The series of works "Dream City Secluded Realm" record the connection between urban dweller and the city inthe contemporary context. The phantom of urban buildings and neon lights bring different settings to people. Urban dweller symbolizes the contemporary human beings in the dream life in the city, Therefore they are circulating in the splendid day after day, rendering a kind of karma to live, and blooming some stories about love, however those mentioned may step toward the vanity or the beginning of another dawn instead.