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主標題:土生土長 副標題:NEW 台灣人教育 基地:花蓮縣豐濱鄉 學生姓名:李冠武 指導老師:林憲慶 400 年來台灣受到各方外來殖民的影響,導致現今社會上紛紛擾擾的局面,尤其對原住民的傷害更甚如此。隨著時代改變,社會風氣逐漸開放,舊體制上卻仍未有完善的以原住民為主體的教育方式。 此刻,從部落出發,設計一所學校,校舍與部落是鄰近的;將新的 Layer( 平臺 )坐落在部落民房之中,讓學生在此穿梭。學生不受班級橫向限制,也縱向互相學習;跟自然學習、跟夥伴學習,跟一起居住在這片土地上的人學習。也與部落學習的同時,藉此打開部落。共生是學生與老師、是遊客與部落、是學生與部落、是漢人與原民。讓偏見與歧視在新的一代教育中消失。 For 400 years, Taiwan has been under the influence of foreign colonization from various parties, which has led to a turbulent situation in today’s society, especially the harm to the aborigines. With the change of the times, the social atmosphere has gradually opened up, but the old system has not yet perfected the education method with the aborigines as the main body. At this moment, starting from the tribe, a school is designed, and the school building is adjacent to the tribe; the new Layer (platform) is located in the tribal houses, allowing students to shuttle here. Students are not limited horizontally by the class, but also learn from each other vertically; learn from nature, learn from partners, and learn from people who live on this land together. Also learn with the tribe at the same time, to open the tribe. Symbiosis is students and teachers, tourists and tribes, students and tribes, Han people and aborigines. Let prejudice and discrimination disappear in a new generation of education.