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主標題:漁海之間 副標題:蚵農漁民產業集散地 基地: 嘉義縣布袋鎮 學生姓名: 蔡杰紘 指導老師: 陳源盛 布袋是家中長輩的故鄉,每逢淸明時節便會回布袋鎭掃墓,有印象以來都會到布袋漁港吹著海風看著漁船進港;途中會看到街訪鄰居蹲坐在路邊剖蚵、串殼。但近年來布袋人口移出、漁業衰竭,而社區再造、地方創生等議題在現今社會逐漸被重視,嘗試以建築人的角度將地方產業結合觀光,促進布袋當地經濟發展,喚起布袋當地人對這塊土地的情感和認同感。 Budai is the hometown of the elders in the family. Every time in the ChingMing Festival, we will go back to Budaijin for tomb sweeping. Since I have the impression, I will go to the Budai fi shing port to watch the fi shingboats enter the port with the sea breeze blowing, skewered shell. However, in recent years, the population has moved out, the fi shery industryhas been exhausted, and issues such as community reconstruction and local creation have gradually been paid attention to in today’s society.Try to combine local industries with tourism from the perspective of builders, promote the development of the local economy in cloth bags,and arouse the local people in Budai. The emotion and identity of the parcel of land.