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李可染的山水畫 Li Keran ‘s landscaping painting

有別於早期保留傳統筆墨形式的繪畫風格,李可染自1940年代以後,逐漸從「清初四王」的山水與西方風景畫的框架中跳脫。他以過去學習西畫素描的功底,配合中國畫的筆墨,開始探索光與墨的變化,嘗試將光影、立體、墨韻、構圖等元素融合一體,形成雄健而渾厚,稚拙而澀重的獨特畫風,不僅創造出嶄新的水墨藝術,也奠定了李氏山水的地位。 本次展出多幅李可染60至80年代中晚期的山水畫作,如《江山氣象》、《灕江山水甲天下》、《樹杪百重泉》、《江山如畫》、《集錦冊六開》等,具體呈現李可染從寫實到寫意,從寫境到造境,尋求中國山水畫新路的創作軌跡。 Differ from earlier traditional ink painting style, since 1940 Li Keran gradually broke from the framework of the early Qing Dynasty’s landscape painting of the four famous artists and western landscape painting. He mixed his experienced of western drawing skill with eastern ink painting together, exploring the variety in light and ink, he also tried to combine light and shadow, stereogram, ink, composition and all the other elements into one, formed unique painting style, he created brand-new Chinese ink painting. This new style of ink painting is full with majestic and vigorous, brushwork is austerehumble but heavy, this unique art style not only create the new way of Ink paintings, but also made the reason that why Li Keran ‘s status in landscape painting of China is unbreakable. The exhibition features works of Li Keran ‘s landscaping paintings, from 60s to his late 80s, such as “Mountains, Forests and Streams ” , “Incomparable Scenery of the Li River”, “A Hundred Cataracts over Treetops” , “Picturesque” , “Precious Images” , manifestation how did he turn from realistic to freehand, turn from write landscape to create landscape, searching for the new path of evolutionary Chinese landscape painting . 一 江山氣象 Mountains, Forests and Streams 1986 130x68 cm 設色紙本Ink and colour on paper 二 灕江山水甲天下Incomparable Scenery of the Li River 1963 93x48 cm 設色紙本Ink and colour on paper 三 杏花春雨江南Peach Blossom in Thin Drizzle 1987 68x45 cm 設色紙本Ink and colour on paper 四 江山如畫Picturesque 1984 98x53 cm 設色紙本Ink and colour on paper 五 黃山煙雲Mt. Huang in Mist and Cloud 1979 137x69 cm 設色紙本Ink and colour on paper 六 樹杪百重泉A Hundred Cataracts over Treetops 1987 138x70 cm 設色紙本Ink and colour on paper 七 集錦冊 • 萬山紅遍Precious Images • Red Leaves over the Mountains 1964 39.2x36 cm 設色紙本Ink and colour on paper 集錦冊 • 魯迅故居百草堂Precious Images • A Hundred Herbs Garden of Lu Xun’s former residence 39.2x36 cm 設色紙本Ink and colour on paper 集錦冊 • 楓林暮晚Precious Images • Maple Forest on an Autumn Evening 1964 39.2x36 cm 設色紙本Ink and colour on paper 集錦冊 • 人在萬點梅花中Precious Images • Showered with Plum Flowers 39.2x36 cm 設色紙本Ink and colour on paper 集錦冊 • 麥森教堂Precious Images • The Meissen Cathedral 1964 39.2x36 cm 設色紙本Ink and colour on paper 集錦冊 • 雨住瀑聲喧Precious Images • Noisy Water Fall after Rain 39.2x36 cm 設色紙本Ink and colour on paper