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同心圓-移動的小屋 Concentric Circles- Moving House

吳建興 Wu, Chien Hsing

2015,裝置與新媒體 New Media and Installation,135 x 330 x 82 cm 藝術家吳建興,從日常生活中物件的特質出發,以生活經驗的觀察去形構衝突的感知。作品〈同心圓-移動的小屋〉,在一個裝有輪子的台座上,堆疊著銳利的刀子,馬達裝置帶動輪子,不定時地製造強烈的晃動,使得刀子隨時會面臨到崩塌的危機。吳建興運用刀子本質帶有傷害性的特質,製造出既安穩卻不安的衝突視覺感受,以此反映創作者自身對家的狀態,家看似是個穩固的結構,然而面對居無定所的生活,隨時都有可能瓦解、倒塌。 WU Chien-Hsing’s artworks are based upon daily objects, personal experiences, and observations to construct the sensation of conflict. Concentric Circles – Moving House is a stack of sharp blades placed on a platform equipped with wheels. A motor causes the wheels to shake violently every now and then, threatening to collapse the stack of knives. Knives, often linked to their ability to inflict injury, are used to create a stable yet unsettling visual conflict, reflecting upon WU Chien-Hsing’s views on home. A home may appear stable, but a life without a settled place to live will always threaten to fall apart and collapse at any moment.