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磁線 - The Magnetism


磁場的形,磁力的線。以磁力作為出發點, 使用針織設計將肉眼無法看見的磁力可視化。廓形設計思維是從鐵粉被磁場牽引所呈現出的疏密性、方向性取材。解構磁力線、磁場、鐵粉原本的形象。 - The collection is sourced from magnetism-a physical phenomenon of magnet. Starting with the magnetic field lines with the iron filings line up with the field. The garment silhouette is all follow the principles of magnetism.I combined pleat and pattern with knitting stitches, in order to express the Linearity, density and directionality of magnetic field lines.As the force is invisible and mystifying, I hope this knitwear collection not only achieve magnetism visualization, but also present the elegant of clothes with magnetic field lines.