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39.雋.巴爾達扎+皮耶.保茲 June BALTHAZARD and Pierre PAUZE

另類重力星球 Planet with Alternative Gravity 2020 雙頻道錄像、木頭、泡沫、綜維素、聚酯樹脂、水性顏料、石膏、聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯薄片、人造植物、緩衝器、鋼、舞臺燈、燈架,尺寸視空間而定 2-channel video, wood, foam, polychoc, polyester resin, water paint, plaster, pmma laminated, synthetic plants, bumper, steel, stage light, light stand, dimensions variable 作品原由瑞士貝爾Hermès Horloger委託製作 This work was originally commissioned by Hermès Horloger, Bienne, Switzerland. 贊助支持:法國在台協會 Supported by Bureau Français de Taipei