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回遊 - hui_you

陳奕霖, 李敏瑄, 郭奕穎 - CHEN, YI-LIN , LEE, MING-HSUAN, KUO, YI-YING

時光荏苒,歲月匆匆。為了將我們過去童年遊戲時光所帶來的快樂流傳下去,設計了一系列郵摺及郵票套組,期望可以帶領觀者重回過去的遊戲時光,重溫當時的快樂與友情。 - Time flies when we’re having fun. To record the moments of playing in the past, we design a series of stamps and stamp folders. We hope it can bring us back to our childhood and relive the happiness and friendship of that time.