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波瑞斯‧符利德瓦(Boris Friedewald)


波瑞斯‧符利德瓦(Boris Friedewald)

展覽「整個世界就是包浩斯」以8個主題篇章來介紹20世紀最重要的藝術學校之一ㄧ1919年創立於德國威瑪的包浩斯,讓世人得以一窺這所學校在創作與生活上多采多姿、引人入勝與令人驚喜的面貌。包浩斯在1926年搬遷到德劭之後,因為國家社會主義的干預而無法在此地繼續營運下去,於是在1932年遷校至柏林,至1933年,這所學校就在這裡永遠關閉了。 這場展覽展出的照片、紙本作品、模型、文件、影片、文章與物件,將會讓我們發現,在建築、生活用品、繪畫與舞臺藝術,甚至是教育模式等方面符合時代的現代設計,包浩斯的概念與解決之道是多面地全面與與眾不同。而為人類及環境創造更適切、更美好的生活條件,也一直是包浩斯的目標。 在展覽的每個主題篇章中,您將可看到ㄧ以展品為出發點-精選出來的包浩斯成員生平簡介,他們指引出了生命道路的多元性與共同基準。 而在包浩斯存在的14年歷史中,它也是個不斷自我創新的機構,因為學校的走向乃是由三位校長(華特.葛羅培斯、漢納斯.麥耶及路德維希.密斯.范德.羅這三位建築師)、包浩斯的師傅與學生在反覆的熱烈討論之下並在爭議中定義下來的。包浩斯不同身分角色的對談討論,以及當時對於包浩斯的批評意見,在展覽中皆以聲音的方式呈現--請您戴上耳機來傾聽。 不只是在包浩斯內部,就連在包浩斯之外,對於它任務與意義的討論一直都很分歧-至今仍是。這個部分則是透過不同人物的引言摘錄,以及大多是來自1945年到今天的報紙文章來呈現;從這裡可以看出大眾對包浩斯的接受度與其意義的轉變。 The Whole World a Bauhaus presents eight chapters with varied, exciting and surprising insights into work and life at one of the most important art academies of the twentieth century – the Bauhaus, founded in Weimar in 1919. In 1926 the Bauhaus moved to Dessau, and in 1932, when the Nazis made it impossible to continue there, it moved to Berlin, only to finally close forever in 1933. This exhibition presents photographs, works on paper, models, documents, films, and objects, inviting you to explore the wide range and diversity of Bauhaus theory and practice in contemporary modernist design in architecture, everyday objects, painting and theatre, and including theories and models of teaching. The Bauhaus always endeavoured to create suitable and improved environments, and to promote new ways of life. In each thematic chapter in this exhibition you will also find selected biographies of Bauhaus people, based on one work and illustrating differences and common ground in their careers. Throughout the fourteen years of its existence the Bauhaus underwent a constant process of redefinition and reinvention. Strategy was enthusiastically discussed and defined – and often disputed – by the three Bauhaus directors, the architects Walter Gropius, Hannes Meyer and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, and the Bauhaus masters and students. For this exhibition, audio recordings of some of these different positions at the Bauhaus and also of contemporary critical voices from outside have been made, and you can listen to these on headphones. There was always lively debate and controversy concerning the purpose and significance of the Bauhaus at the Bauhaus itself, and also outside, and this continues to this day. This is illustrated by posters with quotations from various sources, mostly from newspapers from 1945 to today. They show the reception history and the changing interpretations of the Bauhaus.
ifa 德國對外文化關係學院


ifa 德國對外文化關係學院

位於斯圖加特與柏林的ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen,德國對外文化關係學院),乃是德國在文化與教育的國際關係方面古老的中介組織。1917年建立於斯圖加特,是為德國的對外機構。本機構的活動讓來自學界、 媒體界、政治界與常民社會的活躍人士齊聚一堂。ifa在全世界促進交流的機會,並且將投身文化實務、藝術與媒體的人們串聯在一起。


