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2022 印花亞麻布料、手繪壓克力板 尺寸依場地 應可潔於2009年成立個人品牌Yinke,透過獨特的配色和活潑多樣的絹版印刷,從初期的文具到現在的服飾、市集擺攤到擁有自己的店面,一步一步腳踏實地建構自己的理想。秉持對動物、環境、產業鏈友善的初衷,應可潔在商品生產上非常在意減少耗材的產生,並希望衣服被製造出來能夠長久使用而非單季的潮流,同樣的思考也反映在個人創作上,使用廢棄物或消耗品再利用作為創作素材,希望作品可以喚起觀眾對環境的關注。本次參與展覽的計畫,透過和鳳甲美術館的溝通與討論,將美術館過去展覽訂製、目前不再使用的壓克力片作為創作素材,透過與印花布料的交錯,讓圖案上的動物們透過隔板互相凝視,也成為疫情世代的特殊生活經驗,象徵必須透過隔板交流的人們。 Ying Ke-jie LOVE AND BLUR 2022 Print linen fabric, hand-painted acrylic sheet Dimensions specific to venue With unique color combinations and a variety of vivacious silk screen prints, Ying Ke-jie established her own brand Yinke in 2009, and has incrementally built on her own ideals beginning with her early stationary line to the current clothing and accessories collection; from market stalls to her own storefront. She holds fast to her original intention of being friendly to animals, the environment, and the production chain, Ying Ke-jie is especially conscientious about reducing the amount of waste in the production process and hopes to produce clothing that will endure beyond the current season in both quality and style. This approach is reflected in her personal artistic creations where she reappropriated discarded objects or consumable products as creative media in hopes to raise environmental awareness and concern in the viewer. After communications and discussions with the museum, defunct custom-designed acrylic sheets from past exhibitions will be used as creative media for the project in the current exhibition. By interspersing these with print fabrics, the animals on the patterns mutually gaze at each other through a partition, which also speaks to the pandemic era life experience where human beings were required to interact, separated by a partition.