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財團法人邱再興文教基金會於1991年在馬水龍教授建議下成立。初期以「春秋樂集」每年兩季為台灣音樂創作者提供發表的舞台。經過多年深耕努力,於1998年獲頒文建會第一屆文馨獎特別獎殊榮。深受鼓舞之際,董事長邱再興先生也期望在音樂之外嘗試推廣音樂與視覺藝術的結合,以紮根社區為使命,並以紀念邱父鳳甲之名,於1999年成立鳳甲美術館,以展覽、推廣活動與跨領域展演等方式,為在地社區群眾提專業優質的藝術欣賞環境、播撒藝術的種子。美術館開館至今已逾二十年,在2003年時正式掛牌成為文化部地方文化館的一員,也數次獲得文馨獎及台北文化獎的肯定。 About Hong-Gah Museum Founded in 1991, Chew’s Culture Foundation, in addition to its dedicated promotion of Spring Autumn Music to encourage and cultivate domestic professional music composers, established Hong-Gah Museum in 1999. With exhibitions, campaigns, inter-disciplinary performances, and so forth, the Museum provides an art appreciation venue of quality as well as sows seeds of art for the local community. Having opened for more than 14 years, the Museum received its membership as one of the Local Cultural Museums of the Ministry of Culture in 2003. Furthermore, the Museum has been recognized many times with “Arts & Business Awards” and “Taipei Culture Award”.