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一棵龍眼 I KE LONG YAN 植物生長 天然營養 給予更好的植感體驗 一棵龍眼運用富含磷、鉀、鎂、鐵和鈣等植物所需元素的龍眼殼,將其轉化發酵成無臭龍眼有機肥,並且將特殊研發的龍眼纖維紙和盆栽依據使用者需求摺成可快速移動植物的器皿,減少植物生長過於茂盛需要移盆、營養缺乏時需要施肥的種植煩惱,增加居家種植的便利和趣味性。 I KE LONG YAN use longan shells rich in phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium, which are essential elements for plants, and ferment them into odorless longan organic fertilizer. We fold specially developed longan fiber paper and potted plants into vessels that can be moved quickly according to the user's needs, reducing the hassle of planting when plants grow too luxuriantly and need to be moved and fertilized when nutrition is lacking, increasing the convenience and fun of home gardening.