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「MOODMATE 是六款分別透過不同氣候、情緒特色融入於酒精飲品。」 透過台灣常見的氣候,分別依照氣候特色結合人們的情緒,而情緒宛如氣候有好有壞,有強有弱。 當大學生與社會新鮮人初入新環境、職場時,需要面對的不僅僅只有眼前所看到的,同時還會因為身邊的同儕、同事甚至是家人,影響了自身的情緒而這些無法排解的情緒就這樣一直累積於我們的心中。因此希望透過「喝酒舒壓」、「酒精催眠」的方式去幫助飲用者可以將情緒看作氣候,相信雨後總會天晴! The common weathers in Taiwan that combine people's emotions. Weather and emotion are also have the same characteristic, when the effort comes make the rain fall or make us happy. We used six different kinds alcohol to present how can we use another way to tell our friends or family the feeling that you might be shy or shame to share.