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恆禾藝創股份有限公司 GoodCreative


恆禾藝創股份有限公司 GoodCreative

理念簡介 「恆禾藝創」,充滿金色稻穗之美,藝術創新的能量如永恆的河 恆禾團隊以藝術創新為基底,具備藝術、策劃、媒體、社群、公關、行銷等專業能力,構建當代藝術的展演平台,包括藝術家、策展人, 都能透過「恆禾」,找到自己的舞台。
Annie Ivanova 易安妮


Annie Ivanova 易安妮

現住於澳洲雪梨與臺北兩地。易安妮在2010年時初訪臺灣,以客座策展人⾝份,參與臺北國際藝術博覽會(Art Taipei Art Fair)。接下來幾年便積極參與澳洲政府的AISANLINK專案,並在臺北成立了個⼈工作室。2016年她更深度走訪臺灣費時兩年精心為臺灣撰寫了⼀本主要講述臺灣在地⽂化、設計的著作—《Taiwan by Design》。她擅於將科技與⽂化創意產業結合,這樣的特色讓她多次獲得與世界知名館舍合作的機會策劃展覽,其中包含法國龐畢度中⼼(Centre Pompidou, France)、倫敦巴比肯藝術中心(The Barbican, London)、德國新媒體藝術中⼼(ZKM, Germany)及臺北當代藝術館 (Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei)等館舍。2016年,她更榮獲澳紐商會第十⼀屆商業傑出貢獻獎(ANZ Chamber of Commerce Business Award)以及臺灣設計100的殊榮。目前於歐洲產品設計⼤賞(European Product Design Awards)以及倫敦國際創意競賽(London International Creative Competition)等競賽中擔任評審。
Achim Mohné 亞金・蒙內


Achim Mohné 亞金・蒙內

現居於德國科隆,現為平面設計師及新媒體藝術家。曾在杜伊斯堡-埃森大學(University of Essen)專攻攝影,亦在科隆媒體藝術學院(Academy of Media Arts in Cologne)完成學業。作品多為結合電子通訊技術、聲音影像監控系統與公眾干預之新媒體創作,近年亦積極參與諸多以新媒體藝術為主軸的展覽。 Achim Mohné曾任教於德國明斯特藝術學院(Art Academy in Münster)、德國埃森-福特旺根大學(Folkwang University in Essen)以及美國印第安納大學伯明頓分校(Indiana University in Bloomington, USA)。自2013年起,受瑞士蘇黎士聯邦理工學院( Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich)之邀,專門教授攝影創作與新媒體藝術課程。
Uta Kopp 烏塔・柯普


Uta Kopp 烏塔・柯普

現居於德國科隆。先後畢業於美茵茲應用科技大學(University of Applied Sciences in Mainz)及科隆媒體藝術學院(Academy of Media Arts in Cologne) ,專攻新媒體藝術與視覺傳達設計。曾榮獲包含紐約藝術指導俱樂部獎項(Art Directors Club, New York)、德國埃森紅點設計大獎(Red Dot Design Award, Essen)、舊金山新媒體視覺大獎(New Media Invision Award, San Francisco)、柏林EVA革新大獎(EVA Innovations Award, Berlin)等多項國際平面設計大獎。2017年之後,Uta Kopp任教於德國伍珀塔爾大學(University of Wuppertal)與德國明斯特藝術學院(Art Academy in Münster) ,主要教授文字造型以及編輯設計的課程。
Angélica Dass 安潔莉卡・達斯


Angélica Dass 安潔莉卡・達斯

既是國際知名攝影師也是HUMANÆ計畫主持人,吸引全球30多個國家的觀眾共襄盛舉,更受到世界經濟論壇、國家地理雜誌、聯合國教科文組織等機構共襄盛舉。 回顧Angélica Dass在2016年的全球TED演講中,她分享如何運用攝影創作,透過社交媒體為媒介,深入探討文化隔閡、種族等較為敏感的社會議題。這場演講已在網路上超過200萬次的點閱率。 此計畫透過媒體、展覽深入探討此理念,更藉由與世界各國的教育機關處合作,將此議題帶入多個高中、大學中,成為授課內容的一部分,藉此讓下一代有機會開拓嶄新的視野,接受新知。
Chi-Yu LIAO 廖祈羽


Chi-Yu LIAO 廖祈羽

現居於臺北,臺灣。以錄像作品為主要創作媒介,擅長影像敘事、作品聚焦身體經驗、記憶與情感,甜美的影像風格交雜生活裡隨處可見的暴力與衝突,或是生命中不可逆的無奈與哀愁,藉由角色模擬、開放性敘事、探討生活經驗裡不同層面之感受,細膩描繪許多人與人之間的共同時刻。 曾獲 UNITEXT 立陶宛考納斯雙年展競賽評審團特別獎,曾受南韓 光州美術館之邀參與「TIME CUBISM」展覽、參與新加坡當代藝術中心「啟蒙之光— 台灣媒體藝術展」。近期舉辦的個展包括「河不停流」(VT Artsalon, 台北)、「忘憂公園」(a.m. space, 香港)及「清明夢」(伊通公園, 台北)。 Exhibitions Solo Exhibitions / 2017 River still, River goes- LIAO Chi-Yu Solo Exhibition, VT ARTSALON, Taipei, Taiwan 2015 Sanssouci Park - LIAO Chi-Yu Solo Exhibition, am space, Hong Kong MimiLucy - BACK TO LIFE, Chini Gallery , Taipei, Taiwan 2013 LIAO Chi-Yu Solo Exhibition, 18th Street Arts Center, Santa Monica, United States Lucid Dreaming - LIAO Chi-Yu Solo Exhibition, IT Park, Taipei, Taiwan 2012 Miss Farewell - LIAO Chi-Yu Solo Exhibition, VT ARTSALON, Taipei, Taiwan 2011 Twinkle - LIAO Chi-Yu Solo Exhibition, Kuandu Museum of Fine Art, Taipei, Taiwan 2010 MimiLucy - Never Give Up - The New World, VT ARTSALON, Taipei, Taiwan MimiLucy - Never Give Up, NoEnd Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan 2008 It Seems to Lie Down In the Holes When Inverted, VT ARTSALON, Taipei, Taiwan Group Exhibitions / 2019 TIME CUBISM, Gwangju Museum of Art, Gwangju, South Korea Play Arts Summer Festival 2019 Go Nuts with Art, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab, Taipei, Taiwan Flowers of Immense Charm, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan 2018 2018 Changwon Sculpture Biennale, Changwon, South Korea Customized Reality: the Lure and Enchantment of Digital Art, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan Nuit Blanche Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan 2017 Arts, ask about Asia, Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, South Korea You are the Sunshine of my Life– 2017 Treasure Hill Light Festival, Treasure Hill, Taipei, Taiwan 2016 KUSO Project, Donna Beam Fine Art Gallery, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, United States Loveseat, Garden Restaurant —Duo exhibition by CHANG Huei-Ming & LIAO Chi-Yu, am space, Hong Kong 2015 Future Of Imagination 10, Flaneur Gallery, Singapore The Testimony of Food: Ideas and Food, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan 2014 The Present and Future of Japanese and Taiwanese Contemporary Art- Amplitude of the Global and Locality, The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan JIE(BOUNDARIES): Contemporary Art from TAIWAN, Cornell University’s Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, United States Déjà Vu, Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Remaster vs Appropriating the Classics, VT ARTSALON, Taipei, Taiwan Remaster vs Appropriating the Classics, am space, Hong Kong 2013 Art Nova 100 Selection Exhibition, Dynasty Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan UNITEXT- Kaunas Biennial, M.K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art, Kaunas, Lithuania Art Nova 100, 798, Beijing, China Illuminations, Taiwanese Media Art Exhibition, Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore, Singapore Illuminations, Taiwanese Media Art Exhibition, Chini Gallery , Taipei, Taiwan Inter-Vision- A Contemporary Art Exhibition Across the Strait 2013, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan / National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China The Age of Divinity, Portugal, Lisbon, Plataforma Revólver 2012 Video Art for All - International Video Art Festival 2012, Oriente foundation , Macau, China FUSO- Video Art in the Terraces and the Gardens of Lisbon, Garden of MNAC, Lisbon, Portuguese Manifestation of Homunculi, Kuandu Museum of Fine Art, Taipei, Taiwan Inward Gazes: Documentaries of Chinese Performance Art 2012, Museu de Arte de Macau, Macau, China “Stand-In Techniques II” - New Taiwanese Video Style, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Tokyo Frontline, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan 2011 2011 Taipei Arts Awards, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan Videonale - Dialogue in Contemporary Video Art, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts,Taichung, Tai- wan 100 Gender Photographs, Tamshi Fishers’Wharf, Taipei, Taiwan 11th Pingyao International Photography Festival - Rediscover Photography, Pingyao, China Artist Fair 2011, Bopiliao Historic Block, Taipei, Taiwan Very Fun Park, Trip, Taipei, Taiwan ROC National Art Exhibition, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan Creating Spaces : The 3rd Anniversary of VT Artsalon, VT ARTSALON, Taipei, Taiwan Videonale 13, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonn, Germany fullframe Festival 2011, Vienna, Austria Window, TINA KENG GALLERY, Taipei Taiwan 2010 5th Digital Art Festival Taipei 2010, Bopiliao Historic Block, Taipei, Taiwan The 7th Busan International Video Festival, Media Center, Busan, South Korea Eattopia - 2010 Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition, Hong-gah Museum, Taipei, Taiwan Art Taipei 2010 - Made In Taiwan : Young Artist Discovery, Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei, Taiwan 2010 Videoholica International Video Art Festival, Varna, Bulgaria Hiding, K’s Art, Tainan, Taiwan Opening 2, Taipei Contemporary Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan Post - adolescence, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
Chih-Hung LIU 劉致宏


Chih-Hung LIU 劉致宏

現居於臺北,臺灣。近年的繪畫創作持續關注在生命的體認與生活經驗的捕捉,用日常的角度編構敘事並賦予詮釋,讓情感與圖像緊密扣合。他的創作類型 涵括了繪畫、裝置、影像、現成物、訪查檔案、印刷出版物等,並聚焦討論在「拾得/材料/能動性」、「語言形式的轉化」與「在地關係連結」 等面向。透過將「身體」開發成感受眾多聲響的聽覺器官,並輔以口述、訪查、影像捕捉、抽象/具象素描線條的連結與轉化等,探索「聽覺視覺化」的可能。藝術家針對在地人、物、故事進行書寫,蒐集相關資料與聲響素材,每個在地環境豐富的文化底蘊,經由記錄/ 檔案的方式,研究「聽覺與視覺」的經驗連結,試圖提呈不同城市、地域之間的對照樣本。 近期獲得2016臺北美術獎 優選、2011第九屆桃源創作獎 首獎,並於 2014年 受首爾藝術空間邀請參加「Washing The City, Against The Grain」展覽。自2016至2018年間,受邀參與韓國釜山「2016昌原亞洲藝術節」之現地製作、獲得文化部第十七屆選送藝術駐村計畫至澳洲雪梨「ARTSPACE」創作交流,2018年前往德國慕尼黑藝術公寓「Apartment der Kunst」以及日本「金澤藝術埠口」進行駐地研究與創作。 Exhibition Solo Exhibition 2O18 “THE HIDING SONG”‧apartment der kunst‧Munich‧Germany 2O18 “PALUDES”‧nichido contemporary art‧Tokyo‧Japan 2O16 “NOVEMBER,Hsin-An”‧HOWL Space‧Tainan 2O16 “L’OISEAU BLEU”‧Galleria. H‧Taipei 2O16 “SUMMER FLOWERS”‧Taipei Artist Village‧Taipei 2O14 “SHORT FICTION”‧Taipei Fine Arts Museum‧Taipei 2O13 “GUANG-WU”‧MOT/ARTS‧Taipei 2O11 “NEPTUNE”‧MOT/ARTS‧Taipei Group Exhibition 2O19 “2019 Fault Line Art Festival”‧Hualien City‧Taiwan 2O18 “Metahistory”‧TKG+ Projects‧Taipei 2O18 “Su Wong Shen with His Young Friends”‧Eslite Gallery‧Taipei 2O18 “Exchanging Views”‧Crane Gallery‧Kaohsiung 2O18 “LADY DIOR AS SEEN BY”‧Art Basel Hong Kong-Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre 2O18 “Here & There-2O18 Treasure Hill Light Festival」‧Treasure Hill Artist Village‧Taipei 2O18 “CHAOS”‧SILVERLENS x MindSetArtCenter‧Manila 2O18 “ART FAIR TOKYO 2O18”‧nca | Tokyo International Forum‧Tokyo 2O18 “ The Private Times: Beitou Local Image Collecting Project -II”‧Hong-Gah Museum‧Taipei 2O18 “2O18 Taiwan Lantern Festival”‧Chiayi‧Taiwan 2O17 “Samll Scenes”‧nichido contemporary art‧Tokyo/Japan 2O17 “Harper's Bazaar 15O Years : the Greatest Moments”‧Taipei 1O1 Mall‧Taipei 2O17 “Very Period”‧VT Art Salon‧Taipei 2O17 “LADY DIOR AS SEEN BY”‧Christian Dior Foundation‧Taipei 2O17 “A Journey Far From Home”‧gallerie nichido Taipei‧Taipei 2O17 “An Ode to Thirty”‧Eslite Gallery‧Taipei 2O17 “Media Archaeology: Indescribable Mark of Life”‧Art Museum NTUA‧Taipei 2O17 “Made In Taoyuan”‧House Art‧Taoyuan 2O16 “TAIPEI ARTS AWARD 2016”‧Taipei Fine Arts Museum‧Taipei 2O16 “TAIPEI BIENNIAL 2016”‧Taipei Fine Arts Museum‧Taipei 2O16 “2016 On-Site Art Festival-International Art Space”‧Akiyoshidai International Art Village、Outsider Factory 2O16 “As Small as the Universe”‧Gallerie Nichido Taipei‧Taipei 2O16 “Changwon Asia Art Festival 2016 – Hide & Seek/Two Jobs”‧Changwon City Art Hall‧Busan‧Korea 2O16 “Playlist”‧VT Art Salon‧Taipei 2O15 “The Spine of Spectrum ”‧KuanDu Museum of Art‧Taipei (Curatorial assistant) 2O15 “trans_2014-2015 : The Features of The Land”‧Akiyoshidai International Art Village‧Japan 2O15 “Residency Artist II”‧Ilju & Seonhwa Foundation‧Seoul‧Korea 2O15 “Art London 15”‧Galleria H.‧London 2O15 “2015 Art Taipei”‧Galleria H.‧Taipei 2O15 “Five Senses Meet Together”‧Pier-2 Art Center.‧Kaohsiung 2O15 “Why Not? ”‧Taipei Artist Village‧Taipei 2O14 “Homesick ”‧Artalks‧Taoyuan 2O14 “Washing The City, Against The Grain ”‧Seoul Art Space_Geumcheon‧Seoul‧Korea 2014 “Art. Fair_Köln”‧Köln‧Germany 2O13 “The Room”‧Eslite Spectrum Songyan Store‧Taipei
Yu- Chuan TSENG 曾鈺涓


Yu- Chuan TSENG 曾鈺涓

現居於臺北,臺灣。集結策展人、藝術家及學術研究者於一身,目前任教於世新大學 公共關係暨廣告學系,並擔任台灣科技藝術教育協會理事長、台灣女性藝術協會榮譽理事長、台灣科技藝術學會理事、數位藝術基金會董事。 自1988年開始,以數位藝術創作探討「人」在數位時代中存在的狀態。2003年台北美術館「Let’s Make Art」個展中,是台灣第一個於美術館所進行網路及時互動創作。策展方向多以性別研究與數位文化產業為主,近期策劃展覽項目為 2018 國立臺灣美術館「遺落在往夢裡」、2018 大內藝術節「Should We Play?」、2018 桃園科技藝術節「Cyberhug」以及2019 國立臺灣美術館 「螢幕不滅」。另外目前也在水谷藝術展出「在,也不在」個展,以及中國重慶 合川藝悅精選酒店展出「玫瑰記事——曾鈺涓影像個展」。
Hao-Chiang Lin 林豪鏘


Hao-Chiang Lin 林豪鏘
