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Crazy Face Series

In this artwork, I have create doodles like continuous lines that build up to be a flow of characters. Each character reflect either myself or how I witness people and life. They all seems a little crazy and little fun and at the same time a little sad. I don't like to put a specific theme in my artworks because I feel art can be anything define by the viewer. I want my vibrant colors to open up the emotions and I want my jumpy lines to convey the concept of everything is moving and yet it is sitting still. Between what is real and what is not, I like to keep an open mind to it. Life is short, pretend everything is just a little more cute and fun would save the day. 連續不間斷的線條塗鴉形成了一系列人物,這幅作品延續我上過主題創作 -Crazy Face ,每張臉孔都反映了我面對每個事件、生活周遭反應與身邊的人的態度。其實每個人生存在這個大型社會上,雖然你僅是一個人,但有時必須以不同風情樣貌去面對當下,很多時候在所難免會是負面,但我還是想讓我生命中多點可愛的一面,因此我又用了大量色彩吸引你的情緒;)