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核呵呵_爭議設施身分再定位After the Dust Sattle: What’s the next chapter for NUKE 4?

劉至烜 Chih-Hsuan Liu

指導老師:張全智 Chuan-Chih Chang 基地位置:貢寮區, 新北市 Gongliao, New Taipei City 基地面積:86000m2 作品說明: 漁村.祭典.核電廠 台灣的東北角有許多逐漸沒落的漁村,而漁村凋零的原因多半為時空環境改變,年輕人多數去都市發展而無人繼承傳統的漁業。而面對這樣的情況,政府的解決辦法不外乎就是用節慶的方式推廣觀光,但我認為這不是一個長久之計。 貢寮的漁村在面臨人口外移及產業的問題後,政府希望藉由海洋音樂祭帶來人潮創造商機,海祭的出現雖然雖能提高貢寮的能見度但卻無法真正解決貢寮當前的困境。 核電廠在過去一直被視為有高度爭議的嫌惡設施,而在經歷反核意識高漲、政黨輪替及多次停工復工後,核四目前處於封存的狀態,而執政黨當局也朝著非核家園的政策前進。 在核四不啟用的前提下,我將核電廠的封存視為一個契機來去思考核電廠作為這麼一個有爭議性以及尺度極大的異質空間在貢寮將扮演什麼樣的角色。 The nuclear power plants have been regarded as highly controversial and disgusting facilities in the past. After the rise of anti-nuclear awareness, the change of political parties, and numerous shutdowns and resumptions, the nuclear power plants are now in a state of sequestration, and the ruling party authorities are moving towards a non-nuclear home policy. With the premise that the nuclear power plant is not to be used, I see the closure of the nuclear power plant as an opportunity to consider what role the nuclear power plant will play in Gongliao as such a controversial and heterogeneous space with a very large scale.