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體驗經濟的時代 The New Era of Experience Economy

辛威 Wei Hsin

指導老師:徐昌志 Chang-Chih Hsu 基地位置:東門市場, 新竹市 Dongmen Market, Hsinchu City 基地面積:7500 m2 作品說明: 現在超商超市網購等等都非常便利,傳統市場已經不再擁有從前的地位,在如今資訊爆炸的年代,該如何面對傳統市場沒落?又該從甚麼方面下手使傳統市場重生? 價格 便利 多樣性 甚至品質 傳統市場都無法與新式購物體制競爭 但是傳統市場不只提供這些 小時候父母帶我們去菜市場買菜時 買菜本身對我們來說不重要 不會有甚麼印象 但是市場的環境 叫賣聲 香味 人們討價還價的聲音等等 這些事反而讓我們對去市場購物印象深刻 這些就是我認為的體驗 去市場購物的體驗 所以我認為 讓傳統市場重生的重點 不是傳統市場直觀的主軸-購物 而是其他會影響購物體驗的事情 當購物過程極度簡化如超商 過程不再重要 而空間就也不再有需求去約束 就很容易被替換 所以我設計的目的 就是讓市場擁有不可替代性 由體驗去世購物經驗無可取代 Nowadays, online shopping and supermarkets is very convenient. The traditional market no longer has the previous status. In the era of information explosion, how should we face the decline of the traditional market? What should we do to rebirth it? Price, convenience, diversity, and even quality. Traditional markets cannot compete with the new shopping system. However, traditional markets do not only provide these. When we were young, our parents took us to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.Shopping itself was not important to us, it would not be impressed, but the market environment was screaming, scent, and people's bargaining voice, etc. These things made us impressed by going to the market for shopping. These are these. I think the experience of going to the market shopping experience So I think the focus of rebirth of the traditional market is not the intuitive main axis of the traditional market-shopping, but other things that will affect the shopping experience. When the shopping process is extremely simplified, such as a supermarket, the process is no longer important and the space is no longer required to constrain, it is easy to be replaced So the purpose of my design is to make the market irreplaceable, and experience is irreplaceable. Shopping experience is irreplaceable.