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刑事教育所 The Place of the Criminal and Education


刑事教育所 _ 法庭判決後未完成的傾聽與表達 The Place of the Criminal and Education _ Unfinished listening and expressing after the court decision. 作者名稱 Author l 游沐菳MU-CHIN,YU 指導教授 Advisor l 戴福君 FU-CHUN,DAI 基地位置 Site l 桃園市桃園區桃園地方法院舊址 近年看到越來越多社會新聞對於法官做出的判決量刑感到不解與不滿,越來越多讓人們失望的聲音慢慢充斥著我們的生活,感覺好像對於每件事情的發生都必須找到一個答案,像是主張法條思維的二元論,在實定規範與社會事實之間進行結合、協調與平衡,遵循規則或忘記去理解背後那些「超越」法條規範的概念或種種的日常。 但,我們是不是忘記自己本該遵守或理解事情發生的因果面,對於空間及裁判行為都有相似的想法,只是我們都在找一個平衡點去安放心中那個不平衡的自己,或許在法治社會下的臺灣能有個的地方能去調解自我心中的不平衡,讓人們別一直想讓第三人去「評斷」事或物的是與非。 構想來自近年通過與即將施行的國民法官法為出發點,選定即將搬遷至新辦公大樓的桃園地方法院舊址為基地,舊址於舊司法園區內行使近四十八年裁判行為的各種場域與空間,為因應新制法案與人口成長而面臨空間不足等問題,需搬遷至新辦公大樓,使其停滯使用,類似每次刑事判決都必須有個結果,但這些「結果背後的過程」是否能讓一些人能有「更多表達或訴說」的機會?讓我不經思考舊司法園區能不能藉由新制體系的法庭獨立出一個實驗法院,藉由人們所嚮往的公開與公平帶入裁判場域能讓更多個案被看見或討論,讓更多擁有一次參與的人們能有二次理解的機會,更多是安放情緒或調解自我心中的那個不平衡,使以往讓人們畏懼的法庭空間不再封閉,轉變成一個「教育所」附帶相關知識與實質幫助的地方,藉由弱化邊界與消隱既定印象的程度,探討不同心境從進入到離開的另一種日常。 The court, a place that advocates the dualism of legal thinking, combines, coordinates and balances the positive norms and social facts, follows the rules or forgets to understand the concepts behind the "surpassing" the legal norms or various daily routines. However, do we forget that we should abide by or understand the causal side of things, and can these "processes behind the results" give some people "more opportunities to express or tell"? Let me not think about the old justice Can the park independently establish an experimental court through the courts of the new system of national participation, and by bringing the openness and fairness that people aspire to, more cases can be seen or discussed, and more people who have one-time participation There is a second opportunity for understanding, so that people can settle their emotions or mediate the imbalance in their hearts, change the court power space that people have feared in the past and make it no longer closed, and transform it into an "education center" with relevant knowledge and substantial help. 「I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice.」 <Cardigan's Commencement Address by Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr.>