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尋林覓語的過徑 A trail in nature


尋林覓語的過徑 _ 茁壯靈性的生態家園:大自然中被定義的教育 A trail in nature _ Ecological homeland : Education defined by nature 作者名稱 Author l 吳家君 JIA-JUN,WU 指導教授 Advisor l 陳源盛 YUAN-CHENG,CHEN 基地位置 Site l 台北市南港區   "假如人類受過真正的教育,它就是全世界最高雅的人。但假如他沒受教育,或是受一種假的教育,那麼他將是全世界最難應付的人。" -- Plátōn   台灣現如今的教育環境追求效率及效用,以升學為目的,因此視教育為吸收知識的工具。導致台灣的學子對教育失去熱忱,連帶使教育成果退化。 而我以孩童的歡笑聲為初衷,台灣實驗教育發展為基礎,希望能讓孩童在一個充滿靈性的生態教育環境中成長,讓他們在生態中學習、在生態中生活、並在生態中茁壯。 我重新定義"教育內容",利用生態內容成為教育內容,以此取代乏味無趣的教材。並在舊莊山這塊都市與自然的銜接點上重新找回教育的意義,讓生態真實地進到孩子們的生命中。   我認為,教育是一件無限小的事,影響卻是無限大。 "If human beings are truly educated, it is the most elegant person in the world. But if he is not educated, or received a false education, then he will be the most difficult person in the world to deal with." - Plátōn The current educational environment in Taiwan pursues efficiency and effectiveness, with the purpose of further studies. Therefore, education is regarded as a tool for absorbing knowledge. As a result, students in Taiwan lose their enthusiasm for education, which in turn degrades educational achievements. My original intention is the laughter of children and the development of experimental education in Taiwan. I hope that children can grow up in an ecological education environment full of spirituality, so that they can learn in the ecology, live in the ecology, and thrive in the ecology. I redefine "educational content" and use ecological content as educational content to replace boring and boring teaching materials. And rediscover the meaning of education at the junction of the city and nature in Jiuzhuang Mountain, so that the ecology can truly enter the lives of children. I think that education is an infinitely small matter, but the impact is infinite.