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慣例進站 Pulled in Routine


慣例進站 _ 讓"車站"不在只是成為生活中短暫的存在 Pulled in Routine _ Let the "station" not just become a short-lived existence in life 作者名稱 Author l 吳明哲 MING-CHE,WU 指導教授 Advisor l 呂兆民 CHAO-MING,LU 基地位置 Site l 宜蘭縣漢本車站 在都市快速的發展下,交通工具的便利性越來越發達,而人們也漸漸的習以為常,似乎與過去作為生活中誠載著不同的情感,有著很大的改變。而我想從搭車開始探討,在一趟旅程中,在車上的時間佔了一部分,人們卻在這之間斷了聯繫,窗外的世界都是較為封閉的。試圖從微小被遺忘的存在改變車站原本的意義。 從進出人次少的車站,找到位在宜蘭南澳漢本車站。緊鄰中央山脈與太平洋。每日進出人次約30人,大多數為台鐵員工與砂石業工作者,附近居民大多在較遠的和平站搭車。漢本車站的使用率相對較低,周邊有著5棟廢棄員工宿舍。在車站南方1km,蘇花公路與蘇花改的交界,被挖掘出漢本歷史遺址,顯示過去在這交通不便的地方存在生活過的痕跡。 試圖藉由車站作為媒介,在搭車不斷流逝的時間中展演過去被凝固的時間與未來生活的可能性,改變車站的意義,重現人們過去生活在高山海洋之間的距離。 In the rapid development of the city, the convenience of transportation is more and more developed, and people are gradually getting used to it, it seems that the past as a life carrying different emotions, there is a great change. And I want to start with a ride, in a journey, in the car time accounted for a part of the people in this disconnect, the world outside the window is more closed. Trying to change the original meaning of the station from the tiny forgotten existence. From the station with few passengers in and out, find a place in Hanben Station in South Australia Township, Yilan County. Close to the Central Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. About 30 people, mostly Taiwan Railway employees and sand and stone workers, most of the nearby residents hitchhiked at the far-off Peace Station.At 1km south of the station, the junction of Suhua Highway and Suhua Reform was excavated from the Hanben historical site, showing traces of life in this inconvenient place in the past. Trying to use the station as a medium to show the time of the past and the possibility of future life in the passing time of the ride, change the meaning of the station, and recreate the distance between people living in the mountains and oceans in the past.