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信仰之路 - Advancing for Faith

陳瀚濰, 呂嘉銘, 王珮琪, 邱立璟, 李承宇 - Chen Han-Wei, Lu Jia-Ming , Wang Pei Chi, Li Jing Chiu, Cheng YU Lee

信仰之路是一款注重格擋的動作rogue-like遊戲,透過格擋攻擊製造敵人的破綻,並抓準時機釋放強力的格擋反擊來重創敵人,在與敵交鋒之間感受快節奏的戰鬥風格。 - Advancing for Faith is a action rogue-like game focusing on blocking. Blocking attack from enemy to make it stunned, and strike the enemy with powerful block-attack. Feel fast paced gameplay while you hack and slash your way to save the temple and the goddess.