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陳心宇, 李兆華, 柯旻瑄, 林凡卜, 楊喬智 - CHEN HSIN YU, LI CHAO HUA, Ko Min Hsuan, LIN FAN BU

Asyra是一款手機平台的第一人稱AR射擊遊戲 玩家需要一邊閃避敵人的攻擊,並將手機當作遠程武器般,把出現的怪物一一消滅。 玩家也能透過遊玩多人模式,與親朋好友們一起合作打倒敵人唷 ! ! - Asyra is a first-person game for AR mobile platforms Players need to dodge the enemy's attack while using the mobile phone as a long-range weapon to destroy the monsters that appear one by one. Players can also play the large-scale mode with multiple people, and cooperate with friends and relatives! !