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葉玟妙 Wen-Miao Yeh

媒材 : 桃花心木、紅銅 / mahogany, copper 尺寸 : ø 14.5x5cm ø 15x3cm 製作年份 : 2022 聽說著來自排灣日常的餐桌故事,關於日常平淡時、關於節慶歡樂時、也關於愁苦困頓時,而「分享」是這個族群的重要精神之一。 一支支湯匙引領著一個個餓了的靈魂,環繞圍坐暖呼呼的大鍋邊,一同往鍋裡撈、往嘴裡餵,共同享受著美食與歡聚的時光,那個時候,不僅胃得到撫慰、同時心也被安定了。 Hearing the daily dining table stories from Paiwan’ friends, these stories are talking about the ordinary times, joyful time, and distressed time. There is no denying that "Sharing" is one of the most important spirits of Paiwan’s people. Spoons lead hungry souls, people sit around the warm cauldron, scooping the pot and feeding it to their mouths together, enjoying the time of delicious food with friends and family. At the same time, not only feed stomachs but also calm people’s mind.