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小孩向前行 - Kid Forward

劉書辰 - Liu Shu-Chen

小孩向前行(Kid Forward)設定的目標對象為六至十二歲的孩童,需考量到實用與安全性。「新旅途工具包(New Journey Toolkit)」承重佳並保護內容物,展示時亦有視覺優勢。包裝盒環保低成本、出貨便利;孩童好攜帶,操作、收納皆安心無虞。工具包內含繪本、日記本、吊飾三項商品,代表認知、抒發、陪伴三項功能,幫助孩童完整調適生活上的新轉變。 - "Kid Forward" based positioning for the children between 6 to 12 years old, taking practicality and safety into consideration. The "New Journey Toolkit" supports the load well and protects the contents, and also has a visual advantage when displayed. The Toolkit is environmentally friendly and low-cost, and it is convenient for shipping; also easy for children to carry, and it is safe to operate and store. The Toolkit contains picture book, diary, and key-chains, which represent the three functions of cognition, expression, and companionship, helping children fully adjust to the new changes in their lives.