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一隅 - NOOK

沈奕嘉 - Shen,Yi-Jia

是否厭倦了每天熟悉的生活、不變的景色,但從磁磚的紋路、牆上的裂縫到窗上的水漬,這些平凡而又細瑣的小事也有其感動之處。因此使用了玻璃與水泥這兩樣日常生活處處可見的材質來創作,賦予他們新的形態,跳脫以往大家對於他們的既定印象,並能體會本質的美。 - Are you tired of the familiar life and the same scenery every day, but from the texture of the tiles, the cracks on the wall to the water stains on the windows, these ordinary and trivial things also have their moving points. Therefore, I use glass and cement two materials that can be seen everywhere in daily life are used to create them, giving them new forms, breaking away from the established impressions of them in the past, and being able to experience the beauty of nature.