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來自客家粄 - From the Hakka Hill

游宜蓁 - YU,YI-CHEN

「水粄」為傳統客家點心,如今這些傳統手藝食品走向式微,這項傳統小吃已經逐漸淡出客家生活。期望能創新傳統客家小點,將水粄套入造型模具製作,往精緻化發展,並以玻璃底盤與金屬支架等工藝手法,呈現具有互動性的情境餐具設計,以增加食用趣味,希望創新客家小點,讓文化延續。 - Rice pudding is one of the traditional Hakka desserts. Put the rice pudding into the mold with a special shape. And design the set of tableware with glass base and metal decoration to increase the pleasure of dining. It presents an interactive dining situation. Hope to innovate the Hakka food and ensure the continuity of culture.