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瓶日時光 - A glass of day

王憶旻, 林心禾 - YI-MIN, WANG, SHIN-HO, LIN

玻璃在我們的日常生活中被廣泛使用 然而如今的回收機制卻無法有效的利用玻璃廢料 因此我們希望通過簡單的加工 並和城市生活中常見的水泥相結合 轉換成可種植多肉植物的盆栽 讓廢玻璃成為點綴我們日常的角色之一 - Glass is widely used in our daily life. However, glass wastes cannot be effectively utilized in the recycling mechanisms nowadays. Therefore, we hope we could make glass wastes become one of the roles that adorn our daily life through simple processing. Such as combining with cement to grow succulents in urban life.