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李勤恩, 王意文 - Lee,Chin-En, Wang,Yi-Wen

將躺椅及搖椅兩大功能結合,有向後傾斜的靠背和前後擺動的搖椅椅腳的特色。設計一些收納的空間,解決市面上躺椅所欠缺的功能,例如抽屜及下掀式桌子。而在躺椅選用上,無須搭配其他家具就能夠單獨使用,不像是一般座椅需要配合桌子的高度做選擇,從舒適性減緩生活所帶來壓力。創造能悠閒得放鬆喝著咖啡,看著書,又具有實用性的生活家具。體驗具有像嬰兒搖籃般舒適感,或像外婆總是坐在搖椅上的兒時回憶。 在躺椅外觀設計上,使用高音譜記號和低音譜記號,如在鋼琴樂譜中相互調節呼應。所以我們的作品名稱為音符之身。躺在充滿音樂包覆的家具中,而為什麼要使用音符呢?是因為我們在生活中和音樂是習習相關、密不可分的,而音樂不是單純的聽覺感受,而是整體的多重感受。就好比你聽到一首歌的旋律,去感受到了裡面的情感。也許會跟著音樂悲傷、快樂、生氣、高興等。 - Combine the two functions of a recliner and a rocking chair,It features a reclining backrest and rocking chair legs that swing back and forth.Design some storage space,Solve the lack of functions of recliners on the market,Examples include drawers and a down-top table,And in the choice of recliners,It can be used alone without any other furniture,Unlike ordinary seats, you need to choose according to the height of the table,Relieve the stress of life from comfort.Create a leisurely relaxation drinking coffee,Look at the book,And practical living furniture,Experience the comfort of a baby bassinet,Or like the childhood memories of my grandmother always sitting in a rocking chair. In the exterior design of the recliner,Use treble and bass notations,Such as in the piano score to adjust each other's echoes.So the name of our work is the body of clef.Lie in furniture covered with music,And why use notes?It is because we are related and inseparable from music habits in our lives.And music is not a simple auditory feeling,but a multi-sensory feeling as a whole.It's like you hear the melody of a song and feel the emotions inside. Maybe it will be followed by music sad,angry, happy, etc.