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童眠 - Childhood


孩童的生長快速,嬰兒床雖是必要卻也造成日後的多餘。為此結合其他使用機能,拉長產品使用時間,並讓珍貴的木材有更好的使用。 因應孩童快速的成長以及未來使家具有更長的使用週期,我們打造能根據年齡做改變的組裝家具。四邊的床欄可段式做高度調整,像是給新生兒使用以及3歲以上的孩童使用能有不同的高度變化,並選用無毒天然的製作加工及材料,搭上訂製之透氣材質軟墊,可以確保孩子的睡眠品質。注重外觀的表現,打造在簡約中也美而舒適之嬰兒床,結合更多機能性的也不增加家具拆裝的困難。 - Children grow rapidly, and cribs are necessary but also redundant in the future. To this end, combined with other functions, the product can be used for a longer time and the precious wood can be used better. In response to the rapid growth of children and the longer service life of furniture in the future, we create assembled furniture that can be changed according to age. The height of the bed rails on the four sides can be adjusted in stages, such as for newborns and children over 3 years old, which can have different height changes, and use non-toxic and natural processing and materials, with custom-made breathable material cushions , which can ensure the quality of sleep for children. Pay attention to the performance of appearance, create a beautiful and comfortable crib in simplicity, and combine more functions without increasing the difficulty of disassembling and assembling furniture.