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Mottled Path 山林樹影|Live In Nature 自然情境燈具


“Mottled Path 山林樹影” 想呈現樹影斑駁的情境,把自然風景帶入家中,讓使用者彷彿置身森林,感受陽光從樹縫中透進來,療癒使用者的身心靈並帶來平靜與放鬆 ! 我們利用不規則網片與押花玻璃投射出樹影斑駁的樣子,當微風吹動時網片會微微晃動呈現出樹葉自然搖曳的效果! “Mottled Path” creates the scene of mottled and flickering tree shadows. We use irregular mesh and patterned glass to project a mottled tree shadow. When the breeze blows, it will show the effect of the trees flickering in the wind. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 樹影立燈 Floor Lamp - 我們將立燈的使用情境設在客廳,希望使用者在客廳休息時,能夠沉浸在樹影的氛圍中,彷彿置身於大自然一般。 The usage scenario is in the living room. We hope that users can feel the scenery of tree shadows when they are resting there, as if they are in nature. - 樹影壁燈 Wall Lamp - 我們將壁燈的使用情境設在角落,因為我們認為角落是個能讓人享受獨處其中的空間,當樹影照下時就彷彿我們正靠著大樹乘涼! The wall lamp is designed to be installed in the corner because we think “the corner” is a space where people can enjoy their me-time. When the light shines, it seems that we are leaning against the tree to enjoy the wind and the sun!