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飾我-山岩系列 Self-Expression -Rock Series

李歆慧 Li, Hsin-Hui

近百年來女性自我意識的醒悟,外表方面由「女為悅己者容」轉變為「女為己悅而容」。而口紅多種顏色色號的出現,使口紅成為女性自我意識抬頭的象徵。並且因科技的發展與網路的普及,以及疫情的影響,現代社會生活型態也逐漸轉變為線上交流與雲端遠距離工作、學習。因此我以女性自我意識為主題,為網路世代遠距離工作與線上交流的人,設計山岩系列桌上型口脂盒。 飾我-山岩系列傳達的既是裝飾自我的「飾我」,也是「是我」。期望在妝點自身的同時也能展現自己的個性與色彩。山岩系列表達女性不同於柔軟外表下,堅韌、勇敢的另一面。山岩系列分別以圓滑柔和與塊狀稜角的造形表達女性真實自我,如山般堅定不移、如岩般有稜角卻不尖銳的一面。 期望每個人都能夠以己出發找尋自我,為己悅而容。 In the past 100 years, women's self-consciousness has been awakened, and the appearance has changed from "women are pleasing to themselves" to "women are pleasing to themselves". The emergence of multiple colors and shades of lipsticks has made lipsticks a symbol of the rise of women's self-awareness. In addition, due to the development of science and technology, the popularization of the Internet, and the impact of the epidemic, the modern social life style has gradually changed to online communication and long-distance work and study in the cloud. Therefore, with the theme of female self-awareness, I designed the Rock Series of desktop mouth grease boxes for the Internet generation who work remotely and communicate online. Self-Expression -Rock Series conveys both "decorating me" and "being me" to decorate oneself. I hope that while decorating myself, I can also show my personality and color. The Rock Series expresses the tough and brave side of women, which is different from the soft exterior. The mountain rock series expresses the true self of women with smooth, soft and blocky angular shapes, which are firm like a mountain, and angular but not sharp like a rock. I hope that everyone can start from their own to find themselves and be happy for themselves.