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文藝復興x設計少女 - Painter: The Renaissance

陳卉羚, 王佳萱, 邱玟瑄, 林郁文 - Chen, Hui-Ling, Wang,Jia-Xuan, Qiu,Wen-Xuan, Lin,Yu-Wen

本作品的創作目的,便是希望大眾可以透過女主角正經歷的旅程,以不同的方式去認識藝術史,或者說以不同的方式去學習一個知識,不再是傳統的學習方式,不再無聊枯燥,而是充滿樂趣與自在的,利用劇情與任務讓大眾一步步透過遊戲推進去認識這段時期的輝煌。本作品打造出一個由文藝復興時期作為背景的奇幻世界,以不同的面貌去詮釋跟塑造一個新的世界觀,讓大眾重新提起好奇心去探索,但同時仍然可以吸收正確的藝術知識,像是以畫作的故事背景去解謎,利用色彩啟動物件,將文藝復興的概念擬人成怪盜的形象等等,本作品的美術設計也以當代的特色建築與裝潢為基礎,盡力創造出一個能讓大眾沉浸其中的世界,讓大眾以玩樂的方式去學習,是我們的最終目的,也希望能改變學習知識的態度。 - Through this game, we could let players reach our purpose: to learn the art history through different ways. Moreover, we want the public to have another way to discover the new things in an interesting way. The puzzles have the meanings behind the paintings, using colors to switch the devices. The Renaissance is a thief who will steal your rigid thoughts…… The art design of this work is also based on contemporary characteristic architecture and decoration, trying to create an immersing for the public. To create a world to let you enjoy and have different attitude to learn somethings are our biggest wishes.