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Pure Crystal粹晶 - Pure Crystal

汪泳辰, 鄒佳翎, 陳俞叡, 張暐宏, 陳筱玫 - Wang,Yung-Chen, Zou,Jia-Ling, Chen,Yu-Rui, Zhang,Wei-Hong, Chen,Xiao-Mei

玩家將化身為遊戲的主角沃卡,跟隨著音樂的節奏進行挖礦、射擊等動作,隨著故事劇情的進展,一步一步揭開洛利亞星球的秘密。行進途中,還有很多的秘密未被發掘,而星球的結局究竟會如何,就待玩家慢慢探索…… - We hope to escape the play mode of music games that just follow the beat of the music to click, and use the music game to tell the story. It is expected to bring players a new experience of "the music game can be more than just clicking".