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孤娘 - Lonely Maiden

洪天宇, 洪瑜廷, 林彥名, 羅禎俋, 陳雅雯 - Hong,Tain-Yu, Hung,Yu-Ting, Lin,Yan-Ming, Luo,Zhen-Yi, Chen,Ya-Wen

運用冥婚元素建立主角二人的世界觀點、陰陽兩界的錯綜複雜和人鬼間的接觸。 生命無常,或許某天早已熟絡的日常便猝然離去,到時哪怕只是一瞬間,也想再次挽回過往美好。 - Using the elements of ghost marriage to establish the worldview of the two protagonists, the complexity of yin and yang, and the contact between human and ghost. Perhaps the familiar routine will suddenly disappear one day. At that time, even just a moment, we want to retrieve the beauty of the past again.