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廟宇 x 市場 x 共生


作品名稱 Title: 廟宇 x 市場 x 共生_南館市場活化設計 Religious Area x Traditional Market x Co-prosperity_NAN-GUAN Market Redesign 指導老師 Adviser: 李宜蓉 基地位置 Location: 宜蘭/舊城區 Old Town/ Yilan 作品介紹 Description: 「想認識一座城市,首先要認識其傳統市場。」 傳統市場,反映著當地居民的生活情況與在地文化特色。隨著新形態商業行為產生與生活型態改變,使得市場逐漸沒落。 「每座市場都有屬於自己的信仰空間。」 信仰空間,在傳統社會中提供休閒娛樂、鄰里互動、社區活動等功能,同時也是民眾重要的精神寄託。但因殖民政策、都市發展、生活型態改變,這些空間遭受破壞,而被慢慢忽略。 此二空間從彼此依附,到失去交集,最終各自衰敗凋零。如何重新規劃,使其繁榮,成為大環境生態系的一環,更賦予彈性以因應現代社會的瞬息萬變,為此計畫之目的。 基地現況-南館市場,於1977年改建為地下一樓、地上四樓的RC建築,並將原有的廟宇加蓋於頂樓。但因產業轉型、市場內部商家外移至周邊街道等因素影響,如今市場的商業活動僅剩地下室與一樓外圍仍舊活躍。而位在頂樓的廟宇也被民眾逐漸遺忘,周邊居民與商家偶爾登門祈念。 垂直廟埕-本計畫將1977年改建後消失的廟埕空間置入既有量體中,提供舉辦歌仔戲、南北管、社區活動、婚禮(流水席)之空間,並透過空間上的交錯,將上述活動與市場內的攤商結合,以解決市場營業時間的限制與城市黑空間的問題。 設計發展-在既有市場與廟宇間的閒置的空間中置入垂直廟埕的概念,作為重新連結兩文化的媒介,並將廟宇改以木構,搭接於既有RC梁柱上,延續原有兩空間的共生意象。再重新配置信仰空間與市場的比例,試圖探討因商業活動需求而被吞噬的廟宇,長久以來被視為寄生於市場頂樓,在擴張到達一定程度後,是否還能以「寄生」稱之?最終將信仰空間與市場相互交融,讓使用者攢動於其中,強化信仰空間與傳統市場的互利共生關係。 “To know a city, we must first know its market.” The traditional market shows the living conditions of local residents and local cultural characteristics. However, with the emergence of new forms of commercial behavior and changes in lifestyle, the market has gradually declined. “Each market has its own religious area.” Religious area provides entertainments, neighborhood interaction, community activities, etc. in traditional society. It is also an important spiritual sustenance. However, due to colonial policies, urban development, and lifestyle influences, these spaces have been destroyed and gradually ignored. Originally the two cultures influenced each other, but become into that have no intersection cultures eventually. How should they blend with each other to form an ecosystem-like existence inside, let the small network become a part of the environment, making it flexible to respond to changes in the general society. Base status-NAN-GUAN Market was rebuilt into a RC building in 1977. The original temple was placed on the top of the building. However, due to the industrial development and the merchants inside the market moved outside to surrounding streets, create emptiness inside the building. Now the remaining basement and the market on the periphery of the first floor is still active, but these changing makes it difficult for users to realize the temple above the roof. Therefore, the users of the temple are mainly local residents. Vertical temple court-This project puts the temple court that disappeared after reconstruction in 1977 into the existing volume, providing space for Taiwanese operas, north-south pipes, community activities, weddings (流水席). And try to make the activities connected to the market by interlacing the spaces, to solve the problem of market opening hours and urban black space. Design development-Put the concept of a vertical temple court in the idle space between the existing market and the temple as an intermediary that connects the two cultures. And start to change the temple into a wooden structure and overlap on the existing RC beams and pillars to continue the original parasitic image. Then re-adjust the ratio of the temple to the market. Try to discuss the temple that have been invasion by the needs of commercial activities, have long been regarded as parasitic on the top of the market. Can they still be called "parasitic" after the expansion reaches a certain level? Try to make the belief space and the traditional market blend with each other, allowing users to gather in it, and strengthen the mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship between the belief space and the traditional market.