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作品名稱 Title: 隱秘的行為_鄉鎮中心集市與建築設計 The hidden performance_Village center's bazaar and supermarket design 指導老師 Adviser: 王瑞民 基地位置 Location: 中國/浙江 Zhejiang/China 作品介紹 Description: 集市大約起源於殷、周時期。《易·繫辭》曰:“日中為市,致天下之民,聚天下之貨,交易而退,各得其所。”以中午作為集市的時間,招致天下民眾,聚集天下貨物,相互交易後回家,各自獲得所需要的物品。 在浙江一帶歷來就有“三鄉五里趕大集”的民謠。集市發展到現在,雖然在一些發達的城市裡面已經不常見到,但是在鄉村中,集市還是鄉村市場體系中一種重要的形式,是鄉村社會中進行商品交易的重要場所。小時候外婆家的村莊附近有一個鄉鎮中心,這個鄉鎮中心內每天早上會有一次集市活動。這個集市活動,對於這個鄉鎮中心周圍的村莊是一個很重要的活動。 特別是對於住在這個鄉鎮中心周圍的老人來說,每天的集市對他們來說是很盛大的一個活動,在購物之外,這個集市同時也承載著社交,鄰里交流的功能。有時候周圍村莊的老人哪怕有時候沒有東西要買,也會去逛逛,看看有什麼新奇的東西,或者單純地去湊湊熱鬧,找街坊鄰居聊聊天。集市對周圍村莊的的居民來說首先是一個購物的場所,但它的攤位設置卻讓顧客不能很好地使用。比如1.有些攤販直接把賣的東西放在地上,老人要彎下腰去買東西,對上了年紀腿腳不便的老人使用不方便。 2.下雨天的時候,目前搭帳篷的形式也不能很好地避雨,會弄壞商品,購買者也需要打著傘挑選貨物。 為了給周圍村莊的居民在逛集市時有更好的購物和社交體驗,以及降低集市對原有建築使用的干擾,對環境的影響,在這些方面對集市進行改造。讓來集市的村民能有更好地體驗。 針對菜場本身無法滿足附近居民的購物需求,以及菜場和集市處於割裂狀態而不是互相積極影響的狀態,對菜場本身和菜場周邊進行設計整體改善。 The bazaar originated in the Yin and Zhou dynasties. "Yi Xi Ci" said: "Japan and China are the market, to the people of the world, gather the goods of the world, trade and return, and each has its own place." Taking noon as the market time, inviting people from all over the world, gathering goods from all over the world, after mutual trade Go home and get what they need. In Zhejiang, there has always been a folk song of "Sanxiang Wuli Gandaji". Although the market has developed to the present, although it is not common in some developed cities, in the countryside, the market is still an important form of the rural market system, and it is an important place for commodity transactions in rural society. When I was young, there was a township center near my grandmother's village, and there was a market in this township center every morning. This market activity is a very important activity for the villages around this township center. Especially for the elderly living around this township center, the daily bazaar is a grand event for them. In addition to shopping, this bazaar also carries the functions of social interaction and neighbourhood communication. Sometimes the old people in the surrounding villages will go shopping even if they don't have anything to buy, or simply go to join in the fun and chat with their neighbors. For the residents of the surrounding villages, the market is first of all a shopping place, but its stalls are not well used by customers. For example, 1. Some vendors put the things they sell directly on the ground, and the elderly have to bend down to buy things, which is inconvenient for the elderly with inconvenient legs and feet. 2. When it rains, his current form of setting up a tent cannot protect the goods from the rain, and the goods will be damaged. Buyers also need to pick and choose goods under an umbrella. In order to give residents of the surrounding villages a better shopping and social experience when visiting the market, as well as to reduce the market’s interference with the use of the original buildings and the impact on the environment, the market was transformed in these aspects. Let the villagers who come to the market have a better experience. In view of the fact that the food market itself cannot meet the shopping needs of nearby residents, and the food market and the market are in a state of fragmentation instead of actively influencing each other, the design and rectification of the food market itself and the surroundings of the market are carried out.