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BM1022號石—美克緹神屠獸 NO.BM1022 STONE

涂維政 Tu Wei-Cheng (1969-)

現在的未來? 我們如何「觀看」?觀看現在與未來? 如何「想像」?想像過去與將來? 當時間軸被瞬移至以後的以後, 種種的現況,將如何被詮釋?又會如何被定義? 藝術家涂維政創作大量的偽歷史文物,建構出一個龐大的「卜湳文明」。作品〈BM1022號石--美克緹神屠獸〉為夸石立體雕刻,風格承襲自印度摩西沙馬堤尼石刻形制。美克緹神屬於卜湳文明中的濦霵祇神族,身上的八隻手臂象徵強大的神力,分別手持滑鼠、電動搖桿、光碟片等法器,其中一手抓住的是獸族忳忡獶「焦慮」化身的人形,腳下踩的是獸族旮旯犨「孤寂」。作品藉由屠獸動作代表著電腦趨趕人們的「孤寂」與「焦慮」,整體感優美,結構繁雜,雕工精緻,是卜湳文明中重要的一件文物。 The Future of Now? How do we see things? How do we see the present and the future? How do we imagine things? How do we imagine the past and the future? If we fast forward the time to the future of the future, how will everything in the present be interpreted and defined? TU Wei-Cheng fabricates a large number of pseudo-historical relics, and created the “Bunum Civilization”. The work NO. BM1022 Stone is a sculpture made of artificial stone in Indian Moses Shamatini style. Makti belongs to the tribe of the Bunum Civilization. The eight arms symbolize powerful divine power, holding a mouse, an electric joystick, and a disc, one of the hands is holding the humanoid figure of anxiety, standing on the beast of solitude. This exquisite, intricate work is one of the representative relics of Bunum Civilization. The action of beast slaughter, is used to show how computers expel people’s loneliness and anxiety.