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口感 - Texture

王俞淨 - Wang Yu Jing

口感是在咀嚼過程中,才能得知其感受,透過描述與模擬,使口感能夠被看到、被摸到以及被聽到。 利用各式材質詮釋了6種口感的樣貌,分別是Q 軟、鬆軟、酥脆、硬脆、絲滑與顆粒感,使不同口感之間各具其特質。 - The texture can only be known in the process of chewing. Through description and simulation, the texture can be seen, touched and heard. Using various materials to interpret the appearance of 6 kinds of texture, which are Q soft, soft, crisp, hard and crisp, smooth and grainy, so that different textures have their own characteristics.