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海邊走走 - A Seaside Walk


系列主題,「海邊走走」,靈感來自於創作者自身逃離喧囂生活,漫步於海邊舒適的感受。此系列嘗試透過針織服飾的創作,帶給人平靜且舒適的穿衣風格。設計上,將海邊散步的放鬆感受作為靈感,轉化在服飾的材質和顏色運用上。運用藍色調的羊毛針織面料,展現海浪不規則的紋理與圖花視覺。系列表現出冬季海風輕拂,舒適且優雅的針織服飾。 - The knitwear collection, ‘A Seaside Walk’ is inspired by the creator's comfortable feeling of escaping from the city to stroll slowly along the seaside. The collection attempts to show a cozy knitwear style. In the design, the seaside walk atmosphere is taken as inspiration, which is transformed into the materials and colours. The wool knitted fabric in blue tones shows the irregular texture and image of the waves. The collection represents the elegance of knitwear that is caressed by the winter sea breeze.