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郭哲廷、梁以靜 - Kuo, Che-Ting, Liang, Yi-Ching

許多青少年、上班族都有一定的壓力卻沒有舒壓或放鬆的辦法與時間;在視覺上是採用幻彩反光塑料彷。彿是極光在眼前隨者歌曲舞動;聽覺上使用手機連結藍芽,以環繞式融入聽眾的環境,讓聽眾心靈上得到更好的放鬆、享受。 - Most teenagers and office workers have a certain amount of pressure, but it’ shard for them to find time and method to relieve their pressure or relax ; By using symphony reflective plastic as if the aurora dances in front of eyes visually and using mobile phones connected with Bluetooth which can be integrated into the audience's environment auditorily, so that the audience can totally relax and enjoy in mental.