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再生 - Regen


「再生」讓助聽器使用者蛻變成新的身份。 耳飾的既時尚又符合人體工學,讓配戴者可長時間配戴也不會感到不適。 以蛇、豹與斑馬的紋路,成為治癒、活潑和生命力的象徵,它既是装飾品也是心靈寄託與陪伴。 - "regeneration" transforms hearing-aid users into new identities. The earrings are stylish and ergonomic, allowing the wearer to wear them for long periods without discomfort. The pattern of snake, leopard and zebra become a symbol of healing, liveliness and vitality. It is both an ornament and a companion for the heart.