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劉品妤 - Liu,Pen-Yu

以「塔羅牌」大牌「大阿爾克那牌」的意涵做設計發想,符合疫情時代幕後牌面上默默付出的人物,以另類的方式感謝他們製作出關於他們的塔羅牌,並以「女性」角度出發,所有的職業、人員不再有刻板印象,都是平等的。 - The design idea is based on the meaning of the big "Tarot" card "Major Arcana", which is in line with the characters who silently paid behind the scenes in the epidemic era, thank them in an alternative way for making tarot cards about them, and From the perspective of "women", all occupations and personnel no longer have stereotypes and are equal.