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〈潛藏空間的岸上軍旅〉 Militaires sur un Quai à l'Espace Latent


本名巴斯‧烏特維克(Bas Uterwijk),自比為「後攝影師」和資訊「潛藏空間」的駕馭者,作如其名,以「生成對抗網路」融合攝影和繪畫,創造風格各異的作品。〈潛藏空間的岸上軍旅〉是向法國風光畫家保羅‧亞歷山大‧普羅塔〈土倫港的岸上軍旅〉的致敬作,也是特別鑄造給忠實藏家們的聖誕禮物;原畫中的清明色塊在此彼此交織,內裏呈現更多機器模擬神經網路創作時的橫紋。 Militaires sur un Quai à l'Espace Latent is a tribute to Militaires sur un quai à Toulon created by Paul Alexandre Protais, a French historical scene painter. This piece is also a Christmas present minted for his royal collectors. Chunks of colors with clear contours in the original image are now ambiguous and full of curious stripes created by machines via neural network simulation.