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遺忘之丘 - Forgotten Hill


藝術源於感受與想像,但現代人卻逐漸被都市叢林蒙蔽了感官,我以空間作為載體,在隔絕於城市之外的島嶼中,進行一場藝術實驗,藉由觀光與教育的共融,打造一處心靈休憩之所,願能透過藝術重新喚起被人們遺忘的事物。 - Art is based on awareness and the imagination of humans. However, people gradually lose the sensibility for the environment, even themselves in modern society. I attempted to run a large-scale art experiment with space in Yuguang Island, a forgotten island in Tainan. By the combination of sightseeing and education, creating a place which can awaken those things ever forgotten by people.